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IconNMR Automation Run Status:
Day Experiments: 00:00
Busy Until: Thu 15:58
Night Experiments: 00:00

Setup List
Holder Status Name ExpNo Experiment User Time Title
1 Completed ng-02-40-1 3 N PROTON 1H experiment nganga 00:01:32
2 Completed ng-02-40-2 3 N PROTON 1H experiment nganga 00:01:32
4 Completed JFC-Cl-500 1 N PROTON 1H experiment jcudjoe 00:01:32
5 Completed AM-1-202T3 1 N PROTON 1H experiment amars 00:01:32
History List
Holder Time Name ExpNo Experiment User Load Atma Spin Lock Shim Acq Proc Title Remarks
5 15:53:09 AM-1-202T3 1 PROTON amars + + - + + + -
4 13:33:10 JFC-Cl-500 1 PROTON jcudjoe + + - + + + +
2 13:28:44 ng-02-40-2 3 PROTON nganga + + - + + + +
1 13:24:15 ng-02-40-1 3 PROTON nganga + + - + + + +
23 12:43:55 VF_2_325_AE 1 PROTON vfadare + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
22 12:38:48 NT-11 1 PROTON garehar + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
20 11:25:15 PB-2025-102IPApurified 1 PROTON pbonagi + + - + + + +
18 09:30:00 SA-meth-ethoxy-13-3 1 PROTON sarora + + - + + + +
15 09:16:50 NG-02-29 2 C13CPD_LONDON nganga + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
15 09:11:24 NG-02-29 1 PROTON nganga + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
10 00:11:03 ii-2-66 1 PROTON iiyamu + + - + + + +
7 22:16:09 DB-03-190-E-C 1 C13CPD_LONDON dbrar + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
7 22:09:14 DB-03-190-E 1 PROTON dbrar + + - + + + +
5 21:45:25 JFC-NO2-Top 1 PROTON jcudjoe + + - + + + +
4 21:39:59 JFC-NO2-Down 1 PROTON jcudjoe + + - + + + +
24 19:30:54 MK-1-1-B3-f14 1 PROTON mkothari + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
21 18:55:53 jr_1_24_3_AE 1 PROTON jrosekr + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
20 17:32:13 DB-03-190-D-C 1 C13CPD_LONDON dbrar + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
16 17:20:17 DB-03-190-D 1 PROTON dbrar + + - + + + +
14 17:03:35 JM-2-239 1 PROTON jmartin + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
12 16:44:16 DB-03-190-C 1 PROTON dbrar + + - + + + +
9 16:28:37 DB-03-188-C 1 PROTON dbrar + + - + + + +
8 16:24:08 DB-03-190-B 1 PROTON dbrar + + - + + + +
6 15:51:51 AM-1-200 1 PROTON amars + + - + + + +
5 15:16:15 JM-2-235 1 PROTON jmartin + + - + + + +
3 14:52:39 PB-2025-102Crude 1 PROTON pbonagi + + - + + + +
1 14:47:07 Aldol_Pro 1 PROTON cwaller + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
23 11:10:30 DS-01-001 1 PROTON dbrar + + - + + + +
21 10:46:07 JM-2-238 1 PROTON jmartin + + - + + + +
19 10:21:34 NL-hydrog-20250312 1 PROTON nlind + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
17 10:17:05 DB-03-190 1 PROTON dbrar + + - + + + +
15 19:17:50 VF_2_322_AE 1 PROTON vfadare + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
14 18:27:58 AS-01-278-C 1 PROTON asingh + + - + + + +
13 18:23:26 AS-01-278-B 1 PROTON asingh + + - + + + +
11 17:57:30 mbg_5_66_2 2 PROTON mgarcia + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
9 17:53:22 KG_Final_Ppt_Hexane 1 PROTON kgour + + - + + + +
8 17:48:49 is_hl5706_qc 1 PROTON ishire + + - + + + +
7 17:04:22 AM-1-199 1 PROTON amars + + - + + + +
6 16:03:07 JG-o1-034-pump-down 2 P31CPD jgipper - + - - - + +
6 15:58:16 JG-o1-034-pump-down 1 PROTON_NoD_shim jgipper + + - + - + + hwcal: Width at half height : 10.89 Hz, pp: Cannot find the scaling regions file! It cannot be used for peak assignment for scaling of /opt/topspin3.2/data/jgipper/nmr/JG-o1-034-pump-down/1/pdata/1/peaks!
4 15:44:41 ASL-2025-3-5-tt6-16 1 PROTON alining + + - + + + +
3 15:40:29 ASL-2025-3-5-tt3-5 1 PROTON alining + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
2 15:36:22 ASL-2025-3-5-tt2 1 PROTON alining + + - + + + +
1 15:16:37 KG_Stille_smallWU 1 PROTON kgour + + - + + + +
23 15:00:16 FG-1-025 2 P31CPD fgonzal - + - - - + +
23 14:56:28 FG-1-025 1 PROTON_NoD_shim fgonzal + + - + - + + hwcal: Width at half height : 22.22 Hz, pp: Cannot find the scaling regions file! It cannot be used for peak assignment for scaling of /opt/topspin3.2/data/fgonzal/nmr/FG-1-025/1/pdata/1/peaks!
21 14:32:19 DB-03-188 2 PROTON dbrar + + - + + + +
19 14:26:36 VF_2_323_slt 1 PROTON vfadare + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
18 14:19:08 JR-1-114 CO2 1 PROTON jrana + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
16 14:12:10 JR-1-114 DMSO 1 PROTON jrana + + - + + + +
14 14:03:58 ANR-2025-2C 1 PROTON aredwin + + - + + + +
12 13:07:15 RG-PARR-CDCl3 3 P31CPD jgipper - + - - - + + pp: Cannot find any peak for scaling in /opt/topspin3.2/data/jgipper/nmr/RG-PARR-CDCl3/3/pdata/1/peaks!
12 13:01:32 RG-PARR-CDCl3 1 PROTON jgipper + + - + + + +
11 12:57:40 RG-PARR-D2O 1 PROTON jgipper + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done; pp: Cannot find the scaling regions file! It cannot be used for peak assignment for scaling of /opt/topspin3.2/data/jgipper/nmr/RG-PARR-D2O/1/pdata/1/peaks!
9 12:37:40 SA-salenethoxy-11-3 1 PROTON sarora + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
7 12:11:08 JFC-NO2-DOWN 1 PROTON spoojar + + - + + + +
6 12:07:01 JFC-NO2-TOP 1 PROTON spoojar + + - + + + +
5 11:44:12 RDH-03-97B-CRUDE 1 PROTON rdhern + + - + + + +
4 11:24:21 ANR-2025-3C 1 PROTON aredwin + + - + + + +
2 10:53:28 AE-2-6-20250311 1 PROTON aervin + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
24 08:44:29 mg-3-43 1 PROTON mgshaik + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
23 07:43:37 PG-12 1 PROTON ppal + x - + + + + ATM Failed, sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
19 07:38:45 PG-11 1 PROTON ppal + x - + + + + ATM Failed, sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
18 20:03:05 VF_2_321B_F26_29 1 PROTON vfadare + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
17 19:58:45 VF_2_321B_F22_25 1 PROTON vfadare + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
15 18:32:28 MK-1-42-f14 1 PROTON mkothari + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
13 18:09:33 mbg_5_amine_983 2 PROTON mgarcia + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
12 18:05:29 mbg_5_amine_618 2 PROTON mgarcia + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
11 18:01:40 mbg_5_amine_624 2 PROTON mgarcia + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
10 17:56:33 II-2-81f33-r2f7 1 PROTON iiyamu + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
9 17:51:02 II-2-81f15-24 1 PROTON iiyamu + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
7 17:29:58 ASL-2025-3-2-tt17-27 1 PROTON alining + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
6 17:14:10 ASL-2025-3-2-tt6-16 1 PROTON alining + + - + + + +
5 17:09:26 KG_Dibromoaniline_10EAwash 1 PROTON kgour + + - + + + +
4 17:03:55 KG_FP_2days 1 PROTON kgour + + - + + + +
2 16:35:59 MM_246_UND 1 PROTON cwaller + + - + + + +
24 16:18:36 SA-hyd-pure 1 PROTON sarora + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
21 15:49:01 JR-1-114 1 PROTON jrana + + - + + + +
20 15:43:30 pp-03-10-cyclam 1 PROTON ppatel + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
19 15:37:52 pp-03-10-glyoxal 1 PROTON ppatel + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
18 15:32:52 FG-1-024 4 P31CPD fgonzal - + - - - + +
18 15:29:25 FG-1-024 3 PROTON_NoD_shim fgonzal + + - + - + + hwcal: Width at half height : 9.68 Hz, pp: Cannot find the scaling regions file! It cannot be used for peak assignment for scaling of /opt/topspin3.2/data/fgonzal/nmr/FG-1-024/3/pdata/1/peaks!
16 15:25:24 SG_08_47L 1 PROTON slgary + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
15 15:20:30 SG_08_91A 2 PROTON slgary + + - + + + +
13 14:23:44 KVD-2025-1 1 PROTON dvidana + + - + + + +
12 14:18:22 KW-2025-40_11-30 1 PROTON kweka13 + + - + + + +
11 14:12:01 KW-2025-40_6-10 1 PROTON kweka13 + + - + + + +
10 14:02:24 KW-2025-41 1 PROTON kweka13 + + - + + + +
7 13:57:30 mbg_5_amine_983 1 PROTON mgarcia + + - + x + + topshim: FieldMap - no valid data in sample centre, Shim failed, sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
6 13:52:44 mbg_5_amine_618 1 PROTON mgarcia + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
5 13:46:57 mbg_5_amine_624 1 PROTON mgarcia + + - + x + + topshim: PerformShimming - too many points lost during fit, Shim failed, sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
3 13:18:59 CW-03-159_Filt 1 PROTON cwaller + + - + x + + topshim: FieldMap - signal-to-noise is too low, Shim failed, sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
16 12:59:44 NL-imine-20250310 1 PROTON nlind + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
14 12:55:58 VF_2_314C_16h 1 PROTON vfadare + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
13 12:52:09 VF_2_321B_AE 1 PROTON vfadare + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
12 12:19:04 SG_08_91A 1 PROTON slgary + + - + + + +
10 11:07:51 phc_4_tetracyhex 1 PROTON peichen + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
8 11:03:02 phc_4_difcyhex_re 1 PROTON peichen + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
7 10:58:35 phc_4_phsulf_re 1 PROTON peichen + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
6 10:53:29 phc_4_42_pro 1 PROTON peichen + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done
5 10:48:57 JM-2-234 1 PROTON jmartin + + - + + + +
3 10:46:07 CW-03-159_Filt 1 PROTON cwaller + + - x - - - Lock failed after multiple attempts, lock: Command 'lock CDCl3' failed. Lock is PENDING, Command 'lock CDCl3' failed. Lock is PENDING
1 10:09:52 RDH-03-97-MeOH 1 PROTON rdhern + + - + + + +
24 10:04:10 CW-03-158_Crude 1 PROTON cwaller + + - + + + + sref: reference peak not found default calibration done